Muir Glen Gift Pack!

You all know that I’m cheap, but I don’t go around begging for free stuff. There are a ton of “Mommy Blogs” out there packed with giveaways and coupon codes and product reviews, and I’ll do it occasionally, but it’s not really my cuppa. I’ll do a giveaway if I think it’s something that you’ll … [Read more…]

Venturing Out

Yesterday morning, I went to the grocery store. In the good old days of, say, last month, I would try my best to confine myself to one weekly shopping trip, but something always got in the way. I’d forget a crucial ingredient, or some daughter would request some item that she needed urgently, we’d run … [Read more…]

I Make Easy Recipes Difficult

Like everyone else, I guess, I am constantly trying to come up with ideas for dinner. Ideally: tasty, healthful, easy. We absolutely have some favorites. But I have this really bad habit of accidentally taking a super-easy meal and making it more difficult. Here are three examples. Chicken Pot Pie One day I decided to … [Read more…]

An Easy Lasagna Recipe

I’ve struggled for years with trying to make a decent lasagna. Okay, not like I’d stay up nights fretting about it or I’d try recipe after recipe for weeks on end. More like, once every 6 months I’d try a recipe, and it would fail for one of the following reasons: 1) it was an … [Read more…]

I Brave the New Niskayuna ShopRite

Okay, I wasn’t going to write a post about this. It’s only a grocery store, people! I’ve been muttering that and shaking my fist every time I see ShopRite traffic. Which is, like, all the time. But ShopRite is now my closest grocery store after the Niskayuna Co-op, so of course I’m curious. I even … [Read more…]

Snowy McSnow Day

Jeepers. That’s plenty of snow. The good news? We finally have decent packing snow suitable for snow people and snow balls. It’s about time! Also, remember how I said that Collins was a little iced over for sledding? Ta da! Problem solved! Of course, the bad news is that there’s a lot of snow clearing. … [Read more…]