Enough Already

Oh dammit you guys. Come on. For the love of humanity. Snow. We woke up to snow, and that was terrible, but now it’s snowing again?!? Seriously, are you freakin’ kidding me? I am done. Done, done, done. I’ve ranted about this sort of thing before. But I’m not just pissed off about the continued … [Read more…]

I Like Free Stuff And I Cannot Lie

I recently ran into someone who was a reader from way back, and she told me about the super-cool library pass program. I’d written about it a long time ago, but now’s a good time to acknowledge that not everyone in the Capital District has read and remembered every single morsel of my blog. And … [Read more…]

Books, Glorious Books!

My friend and KidsOutAndAbout publisher, Deb, has written a book! It’s Seasons and Reasons: A Parent’s Guide to Cultivating Great Kids, and actually, if you’re already signed up for the newsletter, some of it will look familiar. It’s a collection of her publisher’s notes, with all sorts of brief, thoughtful essays on parenting that will … [Read more…]

Weekend Fun in Westchester!

Last weekend we split up: Cute W and M headed to a soccer tournament, while J and I headed to LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester. J and I clearly got the better deal. The soccer tournament was a long drive to three games outside in cold, slushy rain. When J and I arrived on Saturday afternoon, … [Read more…]

Racking Up the Wins!

Some days are not excellent, like when your toddler bites another child, or when you find out that your child’s pants are (metaphorically) on fire, or the many times I’ve lost my temper or noticed that my kids have watched way too much tv today. But, folks, I’ve been putting some Ws in the column, … [Read more…]


That M is funny. The following quips all came up during a single dinner. Okay, first, we were eating a soup with some noodles. We’ve been adrift, because we used to be deeply loyal to the protein version of Barilla pasta, which is made with chickpeas. But then, remember how a while back, the chairman … [Read more…]