More Soup Recipes

I promised more soup recipes, and here they are. First up: Chicken Chowder. This family classic is invariably the first soup that we cook to kick off soup season. It’s adapted from Cute W’s family recipe, and it’s his all-time favorite. I think if you presented him with a steaming mug full of chicken chowder … [Read more…]

Christmas in Savannah

In the past month or so, we’ve gone on three different trip. It’s been busy. Here are some highlights from our trip to Savannah, where my Mom, two sisters, two brothers-in-law, one nephew, and four family dogs live. Another sister and brother traveled to Savannah with their people, too, so it was a party. But … [Read more…]

Soup Recipes

Yikes, it’s cold. I was sharing some recipes via a link to this blog and it made me realize that I’ve shared very few of my soup recipes. I think that’s because I tend to think of writing about new things happening in my life, and most of the soups that we eat regularly are … [Read more…]

Deep Breathing

I finally got around to reading On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder. It is a pretty quick read — I knocked it out in one sitting. And it vaguely made me feel… better? I mean, don’t get me wrong: I do not feel good today. But I think that I’d … [Read more…]

CREATE Community Studios

I haven’t posted for a while because I’ve been exceptionally busy for the last month. We spent a week around Christmas in Savannah, Georgia, where I have family. The weekend after we returned home, Cute W and I went the Out of the Blue Festival — more on that later. We arrived home late on … [Read more…]

Throwback Photos 3 – Style Icon

Way back in May, I was sharing some long-ago photos (Throwback Photos 1 & Throwback Photos 2), and at the time, I promised a Style Icon post as well. I thought I had a bunch of images, but then when I started writing, I only found two pictures! At first, I started to post it … [Read more…]