Tom Chapin and Friends Ticket Giveaway!

I’m very excited to offer a giveaway for tickets to see one of my favorite music makers for little kids, Tom Chapin! I’ve actually seen Tom Chapin in concert, and he sings a really great show: lovely songs and boisterous ones, too, and plenty of opportunities for audience participation, singing and gesturing along with the … [Read more…]

Running Around, Then Slobbing Around

I spent today housebound. We got a phone call at 7 am reporting that J had barfed at a friend’s house. Cute W ran over to pick her up, then he brought M and her friend to a morning soccer game while J and I hung out: reading, snuggling, napping, and carrying a big bowl … [Read more…]

Booster Shot

The other day I walked down into the basement playroom and saw this: I knew right away who’d written it, because I have one daughter with boundless, verging-on-cocky confidence, and then there’s J. J, who recently came home with three tests marked 100%, 100%, and 95% + 3 bonus points, and moaned that she’d known … [Read more…]

Future Food Stylist

Lately, I’m not allowed in the kitchen from 2:30 to 3 pm. That’s because J has been making us fruit snacks. Sometimes they’re two courses, frequently they’re accompanied by fresh-squeezed juice, and they’re always presented with flair. Honeydew melon in an orange peel with strawberry-sliver garnish (served with the orange juice): Frozen mango chunk with … [Read more…]

Feel Those Feelings, Girl.

I am enjoying a parenting challenge at the moment. There is a child sobbing, screaming, sobbing. It is the sort of sobbing that begins to trail off and is re-invigorated by my presence. Hence I have taken the laptop away to another room. The sister has put a tv show on the Kindle with headphones, … [Read more…]

Another Lazy Links Post

It’s another wild Saturday night at our house.  The kids had soccer and gymnastics, and now J has a friend who may or may not manage to sleep over successfully. M, meanwhile, has disappeared into her room. And I’m doing lazy links. Buzzfeed’s got 16 Books to Read Before They Hit the Theaters. You know … [Read more…]

Icy Mosaics

So I’m talking Fun with Ice and Snow on Newschannel 13’s Live at Noon tomorrow, and I’m gathering props and testing crafts. I tried blowing bubbles in the freezing weather, but the results were  lackluster (especially irritating when I hear about this all the time, and it’s all over the internet, like if you Google … [Read more…]

The Snow Days, The Weekend, Etc.

So! I’m still here. I know, I know: it feels like we haven’t chatted much lately, doesn’t it? I’m sorry about that. The delightful holiday break became so extended that eventually all I could do was walk around the house picking up dirty socks and soggy mittens and eating random leftover Christmas chocolate, then notice … [Read more…]