I suddenly realized that I have our Nursery School Family Dinner and a Grown-Ups’ Potluck Dinner this Saturday. I hunted down a babysitter that I haven’t used in over a year (not a reflection on her: we literally don’t get out much), and she miraculously said yes without hesitation. The two events overlap by half an hour. Super-awesome. So I’ll be picking up pizza, preparing a vegetable side, helping to set up the nursery school dinner, then bringing an appetizer and another side dish to the potluck later. Gosh, it sounds so . . . relaxing.
But really, the Family Dinner is fun, especially since we always have Paul Rosenberg from Homespun Occasions to lead community dancing. They’re so great for family gatherings that we occasionally overdose on them a bit. One year we danced with them at functions for our nursery school, our elementary school, and our church. But if you’ve never had the chance, there’s a Family Dance in Albany this Sunday afternoon. Once again I’m shocked and awed by the number of things to do over the weekend–I’ll have that list out soon, I promise.
Meanwhile, I’ve been meaning to mention, for those of you who have very young children, that we are in the high season for registering children for nursery school. So if you’re thinking about nursery school in the fall, now’s the time to call around or visit. I remember going to a playdate with my then-2-year-old and the other mommy had already researched and created a detailed list of her options. Wow, that was frightening. It was just another case of me panicking briefly before it All Worked Out Just Fine.
I only have a few short months of nursery school left, and it makes me sad. I’m not one of those moms who spends a lot of time missing The Babies My Children Once Were. I just feel like the girls generally get more interesting and fun as time goes by, so it’s only if I see, say a photo of pre-walking pudge or a video of childish lisping that I feel a little bit wistful. But I will miss our nursery school–the people and the place were a big chunk of my life for years. Sigh.
Take solace in the fact that YOU were the organized, researched, detailed mom for me when it came to picking a nursery school! Thanks for that, by the way! You did pick quite a gem.