Still More Free Summer Events

Welcome to the splendor of auto-post!  Hopefully you won’t miss me a bit this week while I am attempting to connect to nature instead of cyberspace.  My Facebook links might be a little tardy, and if you’ve never commented here before and try to do so this week, your comments might not appear until I’m … [Read more…]

A Little Help Here?

I’ve been preoccupied with daily life, and I haven’t spent a great deal of time planning this summer. But starting on Friday, I will be spending a week at a rustic camp near Lake Placid. Without an internet connection. I know: it’s Wednesday!  Why didn’t I think about this?!?  My current plan is to do … [Read more…]

Collins Lake

The other day we met some friends at Collins Lake in Scotia.  Between visits, I forget just how pleasant it is.  The beach is open from noon to 7:45 pm, and if you go late like we did, it’s quiet and relaxing.  It’s $2/person with kids 5 and under (or maybe it was 6?) free. … [Read more…]

Ice Cream Trucks

For more than 30 years, ice cream trucks have been banned in Niskayuna after a girl was hit by a passing vehicle.  After kids submitted a petition asking to get the ice cream trucks rolling around town, they’ll be discussing the issue at the regular Town Board meeting Tuesday at 7 pm. I am generally quite … [Read more…]

End of July (already!)

Jeez louise.  Once again I just pretty much exhausted myself before I exhausted the items to list.  So here’s what I’ve got for this week: Throughout the Week: Annie Get Your Gun continues at the Park Playhouse in Albany Tuesdays-Sunday at 8 pm. There are several evening Valleycats games, including fireworks on Friday night. Every … [Read more…]

Misc. Plus Local Blogs Go Crafty

One of the perks of the Vibram Five Fingers. . . You’re not just running:  you’re also picking flowers!  Which reminds me, here’s a local photography blog with a simple-but-satisfying Queen Anne’s Lace Project.  And as long as we’re talking local blogs and craftiness, here’s a blog about family fun in the Adirondacks with a … [Read more…]

Yummy, Yummy Spring Rolls

The excellent culinary karma continues at our house.  First, thanks to our CSA, we’ve discovered purslane, which W and I both love; second, thanks to the Purple Cook and Martha Stewart, I’ve conquered beets–I just don’t like them plain or in borscht or in salad, but beet chips?  mmmm. And, finally, we tried making our … [Read more…]


J’s been wanting her ears pierced since M got them done last fall.  Now, I’m not one of those mothers who feels strongly that their daughter’s virgin ears have to reach a specific age (Does anyone know that Eddie from Ohio song, One Thousand Sarahs?  Sarah’s  got pierced ears and “all the mothers said her … [Read more…]