Want something free?

The  Albany Institute of History and Art sent out a link to a survey.  Complete it and you get 4 free passes.  The survey’s a bit involved, but if you haven’t visited this museum because you didn’t want to spend the cash, here’s your big chance.  Great paintings & sculptures!  A mummy!  Colonial America stuff!   Pick a day when there’s a family activity, and you’ve got yourself a nice outing.

Seriously, though.  This is not like going to the NY State Museum or other more kid-oriented places.  It feels like a place for grown-ups, and it can be a little stressful making sure that you’re children don’t touch without, say, shrieking at them accidentally.  That said, there’s a lot of really cool/beautiful stuff, and if you’d like to take your kids to, say, the Met sometime in their childhood, this is a good place to start.

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to finish and
we will be giving away four free passes to the
Albany Institute (a $40 value) to those who complete it.
Click here to take survey
The survey ends on Friday, April 23, 2010.


  1. Mari

    Funny. I felt exactly the same way. I tried telling a (childless) acquaintance who works there how I felt and he could not understand it at all given they have all these kids programs.

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