Ice Skating, Yoga, & Etta

It’s cold enough that outdoor skating is available! I got an email today saying that there’s skating at Indian Meadows:

The Town of Glenville skating rinks at Indian Meadows Park, 155 Droms Rd., are now open. Hours are sunrise to sunset, and when rink conditions allow, evening skating under the lights until 9PM. The rinks will be open until further notice as weather permits. There is no charge for public skating. One rink is reserved for recreational skating only; the other rink for pick-up hockey. Updates on rink conditions are on the town’s website at

A friend also called saying that people can skate at Central Park in Schenectady, and I had the vague notion that we’d join them after school until I realized that J is now doing gymnastics on Friday afternoons. Which is not super-convenient because Friday is the best day for play dates, but J loves it, so . .  . fine.

Today at 3:55 pm I was urging J out the door, and she was all ready to hop outside in a leotard and boots. Which reminded me of Monday, when she was ice skating while scantily clad at the Union College rink. In fact, I took a picture of her skating along with two friends (one’s right behind the other), and at the time I’d felt like a Bad Mommy because her little friends were decked out in snow pants, coats, mittens, and helmets. . . and then here was my kid looking quite unencumbered & unprotected. I have a particular fear of kids falling and getting their hands skated over (this happened to my little brother, and a neighborhood friend got her hand sliced by a sled runner). So I always make sure that we pack mittens, at least, but inevitably my children do a gradual striptease as they skate. Seriously, I’m fortunate that she’s at least got long-ish sleeves.

Here’s the picture. It showed current faces, which I don’t usually show, so I blurred them out. But then that looked creepy and horror movie-ish, so I added smileys.


Still weird, but not scary-and-upsetting weird. Right? I hope that’s not scary and upsetting for anyone (like, I don’t know, our friend’s mommy?).

Anyway, today I insisted on some pants for J before she headed out to gymnastics. There have definitely been times when I’ve told the girls that if they’re not going to wear their coats, they have to carry them so that the general public knows that I have provided for them. Although, truthfully, this morning I was skittering through the snow in my Vibrams to make it to a yoga class at the JCC, so perhaps I’m a bad influence. Which, hello, speaking of scantily clad and yoga, did you see the Equinox yoga ad that’s got some people riled up? It’s supposedly controversial because it’s sexy, but I thought it was super-cool and it made me want to do yoga, like, immediately. Alas, had you seen me in today’s class, well, it wasn’t quite that inspiring. But the teacher did compliment me on my wheel.  As I was prone to saying after several beers in while in college, I used to be a gymnast.

Anywhere, Albany Kid made a huge and comprehensive list of ice skating rinks in the area a while ago.

And finally, I have to link to my favorite Etta James song, The Rock. Loved her, love her still.


  1. Cheri

    To be fair, my daughter put that outfit together to cushion her falls! The week before, sans snow pants, she was covered in bruises, hence the puffy apparel.

  2. Lisa

    Hi! Just to update your weekly happenings—the 3rd Saturday of each month is Family Fun day at the NYS museum. There is a write up on their site about it. Totally free, too—planning on checking it out today. 🙂

  3. amy

    the yoga ad for equinox is amazing and inspiring! my 7 year old daughter thought the same! i didn’t find it overly sexy at all but awe-inspiring. in bikram yoga classes, where room is heated to 105, people are not wearing much more than the model! thanks for sharing!

  4. amy

    as an afterthought i wanted to add, that i think this ad also helps to break down misconceptions people have about what yoga can be–it is much more than sitting in lotus position. in fact, yoga, specifically bikram, has gotten me in the best shape of my life! and i’m 40!

  5. Thanks, Lisa. I have that on my What About Today page, but somehow I often manage to forget to put it in the weekly listings, which I try to do when it’s something that’s only once a month.

  6. amy

    as a matter of fact, i do! the studio i go to is here in albany–it is called “yoga for all seasons.” i have only good things to say about the teacher, terry cunningham, and the class itself! i got hooked while in cape cod and was so glad to find a bikram studio here in albany. the only other bikram location i know is in saratoga, although i have yet to make the trek there. i can get you more info about “yoga for all seasons” if you like! : )

  7. Well, it’s funny because I started to say that it’s too much of a schlep for now, but maybe when the kids get older, and then I saw 9 am classes and was like, maybe I could make it. . . . but no. My schedule is too full already right now. Good to keep in mind, though, and maybe other readers will be up for it, so thanks for the info.

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