
The other day, J asked me to do something that appalled me. And impressed me. And grossed me out. I’ll give you a hint. . . “Oh, no!” you might be thinking. Oh, yes. Here’s  the other end of the string: This was all J’s idea. I wouldn’t do this to a child unless the … [Read more…]

Crafty Fan

My single most successful part of the paint project was J’s ceiling fan. It was always a cute fan. Here it is nestled in the former pink splendor. In the picture, each paddle is a different pastel shade with a metal flower, also in pastel. The fan also has pulls with cute little butterflies, and … [Read more…]

I’m Posting, Okay?

I’m having, like, blogger-block. Last night I was writing a post about our vacation and it was just too much for me. I wasn’t up for it. This is the problem when I don’t write. When I get started again, I feel like it needs to be high-quality and fabulous, which is pretty much paralyzing. … [Read more…]

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety-Jig

With our new don’t-mention-that-our-house-is-empty-and-waiting-for-burglars policy, I couldn’t mention that we were heading out on vacation, but you may have noticed since I’ve been so light on posting lately. In the past, I’d ask for help from local readers who might want to write a post about something, but that’s fallen by the wayside a bit, … [Read more…]


My day was just like today’s weather. It was so hot & humid, and then there was the massive, dramatic downpour, and I went outside excited to feel the delightfully refreshed, post-rain atmosphere. . . and then it was still hot & humid. And then it happened again. And again. I was running around like … [Read more…]

Balancing Act

How’s summer going? At our house, we’re having trouble finding the right balance between fun and exhaustion. Or rather, we’re constantly swinging from one extreme to the other. After a late night camping and partying on Saturday, we spent most of Sunday acting like utter slobs. There was napping and waaaay to much tv watching. … [Read more…]