Our Very Special Lifestyle

I wrote this one back before the most recent hacking kerfuffle. . . . So, a reader asked me “can you share a little about your cable-free lifestyle?” The truth is, I’ve had conversations with other folks who are shocked that we don’t have cable, so even though it feels like it isn’t a big … [Read more…]

Look, I’m Here!

People who are accruing excessively bad karma were using my site to display all sorts of passwords starting on Friday night.  It was creepy and horrifying, especially when I started to respond by changing my password, and the display of passwords, still growing, suddenly included my brand-new user/password combo. So, I shut it down. Or, … [Read more…]

February Break Hump Day

How’s everybody holding up? I’m getting tired of the Olympics. Well, really, I guess my problem is that in our cable-free environment, the time to watch the Olympics is from 8 pm until the kids fall asleep. It’s a bummer, because we have these big, long days available, but of course it’s just the regular … [Read more…]

Swimsuits in February

I mentioned that we went to Jiminy Peak the other weekend, and we had to do some last-minute swimsuit shopping. The girls do their own packing for trips, and the last time we traveled, for J’s gymnastics meet, I was appalled when poor little J changed to go swimming at the hotel pool. She was … [Read more…]

Chocolate Mousse Drama

I got well just in the nick of time, because I’d signed up to make a fancy dessert for a dessert auction we’re doing at church tomorrow. I decided to go with chocolate mousse. The mousse isn’t absolutely gorgeous, but I know how to do it, and it’s freakishly delicious. Between J’s gymnastics and M’s … [Read more…]

Catch Up for the Week

Oh, my gosh, you guys, the stomach bug. So. yucky. And it lasts forever. Our family, as a general rule, doesn’t get stomach bugs very often. Pretty much my kids only throw up due to transportation issues. But J’s recent sickness caught up with me on Monday, and it was about 24 hours of sheer … [Read more…]