Books, Glorious Books!

My friend and KidsOutAndAbout publisher, Deb, has written a book! It’s Seasons and Reasons: A Parent’s Guide to Cultivating Great Kids, and actually, if you’re already signed up for the newsletter, some of it will look familiar. It’s a collection of her publisher’s notes, with all sorts of brief, thoughtful essays on parenting that will … [Read more…]

Harry Potter Night

It was Harry Potter night at the kids’ elementary school. Although they’ve been playing Quidditch in gym for years, our school was fairly late in adopting the sort of Hogwarts extravaganza that other schools have been doing for years. But the organizers did an awesome job. The decor in particular was fabulous. Here’s where we … [Read more…]

I Have a Book Problem

I read a lot. I have a running list of books that I want to read that always gets longer faster than I can actually read. When I browse at bookstores, I generally have a pen and a pad so that I can write down authors and titles as I go. Tonight, Cute W and … [Read more…]

Books We’re Reading Now

Okay, I’m going to try to shape up, posting-wise. First I’ve been meaning to catch you up on all of our current book favorites. J, the 8-year-old, has been listening to Rick Riordan’s The Kane Chronicles. M advised her that the Percy Jackson books are better, but we had The Red Pyramid in the house … [Read more…]

Books We’re Reading

We’ve read a few good books lately, so I thought I’d share. The first happy surprise was  Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen by Mary Sharratt. I mentioned that this book was on my “to read” list after my sisters and I saw Mary Sharratt speak at  the Savannah Book Festival, but I was … [Read more…]

A Laugh, Plus M’s Reading

Someone shared the Funniest AutoCorrects of 2012 on Facebook, and I laughed very hard. So read it. But make sure that, if your kids are old enough to read, they are far away. Otherwise they will hear you guffawing and come running in  and they will learn a whole bunch of words that are entirely … [Read more…]

Giveaway, New York Links, and a Book Fight

Hey everyone. I have emailed the winners of the Taylor Mali giveaway, but I haven’t received replies from them yet, which explains the delay. Nope. What really explains the delay is that I neglected to email at noon and instead I finally got around to it at dinner time. Anyway, if you did not win, … [Read more…]

Taylor Mali

I’m super-excited because once again Taylor Mali will be appearing at our church, the First Unitarian Society of Schenectady, on Thursday, November 8th at 8 pm. I’ll be reminding you about this later with the listings, but I wanted to give him an early plug, because I went when he performed here last year, and it … [Read more…]