I’m having one of those weeks when every time I go to the grocery store I forget something essential. So yesterday I had to run to the store for olives for a meal, and I forgot that we were almost out of milk. Today I thought that we could just stop at Stewarts on our bike ride for milk. Umm, you can’t actually take two kids on a bike ride to Stewarts on a beautiful day and only buy milk. Or maybe someone tougher than I could.
And now I am procrastinating, with a dirty bathroom and dinner to cook. At least I’m not going to be hunched over the computer at 11:30 tonight (knock on wood).
April is poetry month. When I look for various events, I keep stumbling on poetry, so I thought that I’d corral them here in a single post for you.
- This weekend, Albany Poets kick off the 2010 Albany Word Fest with a Youth Open Mic on Friday the 16th at 5 pm at UAG Gallery.
- At Guilderland Public Library, they’re growing a Poet Tree. Kids and youth can write a poem anytime this month and it will be displayed.
- Bethlehem Public Library has a Go Green! poetry contest. You can register online, and then winners will be announced at their Poetry Slam on May 1st at 2:30 pm.
- On Sunday, April 18th, they’ll be doing Nature Journaling at Albany Pine Bush including poetry. This activity is for kids 8 and up.
- The East Greenbush Library is running a Haiku Contest for teens. The due date is April 22nd.
- At Schenectady Library‘s Family Literacy Day, get Pumped Up for Poetry. It’s from 2-3 pm on April 25th.
- On April 24th, the Saratoga Springs Barnes & Noble has a storytime devoted to Fancy Nancy: Poet Extraordinaire at 11 am.
If your child is not fond of speaking or writing in verse, here are some other creative outlets:
- The National Museum of Dance is opening a new gallery devoted to k-12 student art, and they’re looking for artists.The Guilderland Public Library is running an “A Day in the Life of. . .” photo contest for grades 4 to 10. Submission deadline is April 30th. See details.
- Teens will be interviewing senior citizens in May & June in order to write a book of their favorite stories as part of a program with the East Greenbush Library. Contact the library for details.
- There’s a children’s Picture Book Writing Contest for the upcoming Children’s Book Festival. It’s for grades 4 to 12, and entries must be postmarked by April 23rd.
- Okay, this one doesn’t quite fit the topic, but I think it’s a good idea. The Guilderland Public Library has a Tween Advisory Board for tweens who want to be involved in the library, and new members are welcome, although you’re supposed to register for meeings. The next one is May 27th at 4 pm.