
It’s another busy weekend for us–ice skating, dance classes, kid’s birthday party, my husband over-volunteering again, a meeting for me, miscellaneous. Is anyone else feeling disoriented by the weather?  There are blue skies and warm temperatures and little birds tweeting, and then it’s snowing again, and then it’s raining?  It’s making me a little nutty, … [Read more…]

Lake George Opera!

Okay, I’m just twisting down a shame spiral right now because not only did I neglect to mention yet another theater experience (I added items to the last post, in case you missed it), but I also found a typo in an old post.  Am I losing my touch?  Did I ever have a touch?  … [Read more…]

Theater Roundup!–updated

I’d mentioned To Kill a Mockingbird once before, I thought, but I should have included it again here.  That, coupled with the information on The Miracle Worker in today’s Gazette, made me feel a little silly about this post.   I wasn’t even aware of the Curtain Call Theatre.   And Bethlehem High School, too!  So … [Read more…]

Snow, Glorious Snow!

Sure I was grousing about the snow, but when I went outside this morning, I couldn’t help but feel a little bit giddy.  The giddiness subsided a bit over the next hour and a half of clearing driveways and sidewalks, but still:  this is a quality snowfall.  Perfect packing for snowpeople and snowballs, enough for … [Read more…]

Misc. Area News

It’s still freakin’ snowing.  No, that’s not the news.  Although I think that I’ve had about all I can take of embracing winter at this point. But, anyway, have you all heard. . . The Friendly’s at St. James Square in Niskayuna closed.  Umm, their service was always super-horrible in my experience, so I am … [Read more…]

Wanna Run?

Was your reaction, from what? Fleet Feet on Wolf Road in Albany is starting their spring No Boundaries training program.  You pay $75 to get someone to kick your non-running butt into training so that you can run a 5K on Father’s Day. I have to tell you, I’m sort of intrigued by this one … [Read more…]

Last Week in February

We ended up going to Cella Bistro last night.  Mmmmmm. . . wild mushroom salad.  Super tasty.  Today was the first day that I really felt like spring was around the corner.  The girls must have spent 2 hours playing in the backyard. Cute husband’s working for the rest of the day (on a Sunday!  … [Read more…]

Taking a Request

So a mom of a teensy baby requested Saturday classes.  You know I have a soft spot for moms of teensy babies.  Lucky for me she lives right near me in Schenectady, which made things a little easier for me. One disclaimer:  some of these are just the pre-set schedules, so it’s possible that not … [Read more…]