Our Day

How cute is this? J decided to draw a “map” to plan her day the other morning.

Sort of clockwise from lower left, that’s:

  • Swing on tree swing
  • Shop with mom at grocery store
  • Lie down on bed
  • Go to piano lesson (she climbs stairs up to the house)
  • Jump rope
  • Ride bike
  • Read bedtime stories

Yep. That about covers it. It’s a good life!


As for our day today, we beat the heat by skipping the pool and visiting My Place to Play near us in Rotterdam. I’ll be writing a bigger review later for Kids Out and About (have you signed up for the newsletter yet? little yellow box, lower left), but for now, a couple of pictures:

M getting super-competitive with the air hockey:

J doing some bouncing:

Funny: just looking at those pictures made me laugh. Clearly, the girls have inherited my calves!


  1. Amanda

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS IDEA. I live in Clifton Park and have been driving my daughter to tutoring 3 times a week to Rotterdam and I have two other daughters that we have been trying to find things to do for the 1 1/2 hour wait. We will hit this next week! I am so thankful!!!!!

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