I’ve mentioned that I’m a bit overwhelmed lately, and I’m going to be out of town 11 of the next 17 days, so I’m just warning you now: I’m going to shamelessly milk J’s party for all it’s worth by breaking up the various tasty Halloween treats and other activities. Here’s a photo of the snack spread:
Details on how to make things, and whether to bother, will follow, along with some party activities, one of which J invented herself.
I’m also putting out a call for Guest Posts. Yippee! If you’re new to Capital District Fun, when I go on vacations, I ask my gentle readers if they’re willing to submit a guest post. It’s a nice way to dip your toe into the blog pool or give some attention to an organization that deserves it. It can be a favorite Capital District destination, something fun to do. . . whatever. Photos attached with the email are great (I’ll assume that you’re okay with me posting them, too), and links are great, too, but if you don’t know how to embed them, I will. If you have a blog and want to submit one of your old posts or something new, that works for me. I’ll link back, of course.
Oh, and I’ve added a new feature, in case you want to see some examples of guest posts: a new category over there on the right-hand column called Guest Posts from Readers. I did my best to find all of the old guest posts, but if I didn’t catch yours, let me know and I’ll tick the little category box so that it shows up.
Some people have mentioned to me in the comments or in person that you’re willing to do a guest post, and that would be wonderful, but I also won’t hold you to it. I know people get busy, so no guilt! I prefer, anyway, to keep my expectations low, set a deadline, and then work with what I’ve got. After I get submissions, I still need to read them over, ask questions if necessary, figure out how I’ll schedule things, and put items into the blog, so that’s why I’m firm on the deadline.
Email me with your submission by Tuesday, October 11th, at noon. That email is capitaldistrictfun [at] yahoo [dot] com. If you’d like to write me with questions before that, that’s fine. If you’d like to send submissions before then, that’s super-awesome.
Thanks to everyone who’s contributed in the past, via guest post or comments! I truly love hearing from everyone.