Snip-its Winner + Go Red

Hooray for Bekki, who won the Snip-its Giveaway! If you’re sad that you weren’t a winner this time, you might want to “like” the Snip-its Facebook page so that you can hear about other discounts or special offers. Or, if you read this week’s e-newsletter, you’d know that there’s another giveaway over there! Speaking … [Read more…]

Disney on Ice

We went to Disney on Ice last night. I took a few notes because at this point, I can’t help myself. There were a lot of charming costumes, including adorable starfish and other sea creatures for the Little Mermaid portion, and all sorts of skates designed to look like other things, like high heels or … [Read more…]

Disney on Ice Giveaway

So, guess what? Disney On Ice is coming to the Times Union Center from December 7th to 11th with their show  Mickey & Minnie’s Magical Journey. In Mickey & Minnie’s Magical Journey, the delightful mouse couple lead you on a journey through four Disney stories:  The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Peter Pan and Lilo … [Read more…]

The Girls Report

J stayed home from school yesterday. She had a headache and stomachache, and when I tried to move her along in the morning, she just walked right upstairs and climbed back into bed. So she was out. Last night we fit in a soccer scrimmage and a harvest dance for M, I dropped off a … [Read more…]

The Circus Report

We went to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus last night. An excellent time was had by all. So, first: I’m sticking with my recommendation to get there early, and I’m going to have to go with as close to one hour ahead as possible. By the time we were in the arena … [Read more…]

Circus Giveaway!

Those very kind people at Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus have shared some tickets with me so that I can share them with you. Hooray!  I’m also excited because one of the things I tend to forget is the free events surrounding the whole circus brouhaha, like when the animals all parade from … [Read more…]