Female Anatomy

Did you know that today is International Day of the Girl Child? At our house, I tried to kick off the celebration early yesterday, because I had something very special in the house. . . That’s right! Our very own female anatomical model! Whoop, whoop! . . . As it turns out, I was the … [Read more…]

Soccer Drama

As I tuck her into bed Friday night, J asks, “Mom, can I please not go to the soccer game tomorrow?” I understand where J’s coming from, here. Monday to Friday is school, Sunday is church, and Saturdays, J is dragged along to M’s 8:30 am soccer game. Tomorrow it’s likely to be worse than … [Read more…]

A Scare

At dinner, we were laughing about some political remark one of the girls’ classmates made. M tried to explain that this child simply didn’t know what he was talking about. “Oh, I know,” Cute W said. “Most kids your age don’t really follow politics. They just sort of parrot whatever their parents say.” “Including you … [Read more…]