Playground Update

Did anyone else see the double rainbow tonight? Gorgeous! Holy cow, people I just spent waaaaay too much time updating the playground list. If I had the technical know-how, I’m sure that I could make it more efficient, but as it is I have a convoluted system that includes steps with Google Documents, then Excel, … [Read more…]

Getting Wet

Okay, I’ve once again become carried away with the post when there’s a frightening pile of laundry to be folded.  Have I mentioned that we’re taking another long car trip that begins day after tomorrow?  So you’d think that I’d take it easy and just work ahead on the weekend post, right?  I mean, that’s … [Read more…]

This Saturday

Have you heard that this Saturday is Take Our Children to the  Park. . . And Leave Them There Day?  Lenore Skenazy, of Free Range Kids fame, came up with this idea.  She explains: If our goal is to get kids back outside (it is), and playing together (it is), and for parents to relax … [Read more…]

Playgrounds Update

I’ve updated the Playground List. If you visit a new playground, or if you have a favorite that isn’t listed yet, please share it with us by filling out the survey. For those of you who didn’t catch it in the comments and who aren’t a Fan on Facebook, Schenectady’s had to shut down the … [Read more…]

Playground Power!

Okay, I was procrastinating about this playground list because, really, this weather doesn’t put me in a playground mood anyway. But when I read the Gazette this morning I realized that I had to do another playground post because this WaterPowerPeace project has got to be just about the coolest thing ever. Basically, it’s about … [Read more…]

Playground Project

Okay!  I’ve been saying that I’m trying to figure out a way to get information about all sorts of playgrounds, and I ‘m hoping that all of you can help me. Here’s how it works: Think of a playground that you think is worth knowing about. Click on the link to a survey and answer … [Read more…]