New Year’s Eve

It ain’t my favorite holiday.  I’ve had a dull time, and a decent time, and a couple of horrifyingly bad times.  I’ve gone out dancing with the girls, where we suffered from the high expectations of New Year’s Eve:  each venue seemed either not good enough or too expensive, so we’d wander to the next … [Read more…]

Link-a-palooza, baby!

So far I’ve gathered up more than 70 links to share with you!  My list  includes places that appear to be really unbelievably fun, and I can’t believe I’d never heard of them.  It also includes obvious ones, sure, but conveniently located in one place for you to bookmark and use forever and ever–oh, happy … [Read more…]

Kid Food Adventures & Freebies in Albany

After magic the other day, we did enjoy some culinary adventures while we were in downtown Albany.  We went to Van’s Vietnamese Restaurant on Central Avenue.   The girls loved it–they have some very good child-friendly choices.  Plain rice or vermicelli will prevent starvation for super-picky eaters, but my girls loved the Lemongrass Chicken as well … [Read more…]

Not Super-Magical

Just came home from Steamer 10.  Our original plan had been to take Grandma & Grandpa to Snow Queen later this week, but then they changed their plane tickets and that wouldn’t work.  I let the girls choose something else, since everyone still wanted to do some theater.  Let me just say, magic isn’t my … [Read more…]


Just quickly– We’re going to see Magic at Steamer 10 — they’re already in the car!  Apparently many of these vacation shows are still available. Jennifer Silverman, one of the editors of My Baby Rides the Short Bus: The Unabashedly Human Experience of Raising Kids with Disabilities, will be signing books at 2 pm at … [Read more…]

Get There While It Lasts

Okay, every single summer, I say to myself that this is the year that I’m going to catch the New York City ballet at SPAC, and every year the beginning of summer flies by and I realize that I’ve missed it again.  I don’t want that kind of heartache to befall you, gentle reader, so … [Read more…]


My big girl questioned me pretty hard on the whole Santa issue a while back, when she was only 3 or 4. I mean, come on, shouldn’t they remain naïve at least through kindergarten? Anyway, she was persistent, looking for inaccuracies and loopholes and. . . I’m just not so good at lying. Finally, I … [Read more…]

Fruityliciousness at Our House

I’m generally a very cheap person, from a long line of cheap people.  (At Thanksgiving my sisters and I realized that three of us were wearing–with modifications–the same unbelievably unflattering Old Navy harem pants because we couldn’t pass up the super-sale deal.  I tried to find a link, but the Old Navy people are so … [Read more…]